Hermeneutic analysis of policies and initiatives to promote inclusive education in Ecuador.





Hermeneutic analysis, policies, initiatives, education, inclusive education.


Introduction: Inclusive education in Ecuador has been a topic of interest for some decades now, mainly due to factors that have put pressure on Ecuadorian legislation to ensure that the right to education is granted to children and adolescents with disabilities and those belonging to diverse cultures and communities. A persistent problem in Ecuador, as in other countries in the region, is that there are still legislative shortcomings that do not contribute to the true objective of inclusive education, which seeks to involve the greatest number of children and adolescents in the right to education, due to the fact that there are still limiting dynamics that underestimate other capacities and, above all, the commitment that this group of people is willing to make when they are offered the opportunity to learn like other children. Objective: To carry out a hermeneutic analysis of the policies and initiatives deployed and promoted in Ecuador for inclusive education, requiring research from different texts in order to provide interpretations as an additional contribution to the topic addressed in this study. Methodology: A non-experimental design was applied, taking into consideration that the object of study was maintained until the end of the analysis of the legislation in force and the measures that have been established in the field of inclusive education; the focus of the study was the analysis of the current legislation and the measures that have been established in the field of inclusive education.


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How to Cite

Luzuriaga Torres, N. C. ., & Ruiz Jara, G. L. . (2022). Hermeneutic analysis of policies and initiatives to promote inclusive education in Ecuador. REINCISOL, 1(2), 170–184. https://doi.org/10.59282/reincisol.V1(2)155-169
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